How to reach your fitness goals in 2017


If you’re like me you see the new year as a great opportunity to start fresh with your fitness goals. It’s so easy to get off track but if you start making steps now they soon become habits.

Here are a few tricks I’m trying and you should too!

Don’t Skip Breakfast

I realize not everyone struggles with this but I did for sometime. It’s so important to eat a healthy breakfast first thing in the morning, and can really help you not feel super hungry later in the day.

Some quick healthy breakfast ideas are:

Oatmeal with cinnamon, honey and fresh fruit (I like to add strawberries and bananas)

Toast with jam and cottage cheese

Egg white omelet with spinach and cheese

Drink Plenty of Water

This one is so important but is easy to forget. You should try to drink at least 2 liters a day. This may seem like a lot but once you get into the habit of it, it becomes a lot easier.

I’ll admit I’m still slacking on this and it’s not because I’m drinking other things but because I’m not drinking enough fluids in general. Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger and end up eating when we really need water.

I’ve started using an app I used in the past to really help me with this.

*I promise this isn’t sponsored it’s just a really great app*

It’s called plant nanny and you track how much water you drink a day. If you do well your plant grows and if not your cute little plant withers away.


Find exercise you enjoy and do it often

Okay so this one is crucial. If you find that you have to literally drag yourself to the gym it may not be for you and that’s okay. Find exercise you really enjoy because you will be more likely to stick with it.

I personally like to dance. I listen to a lot of k-pop (Korean pop music) and I get my exercise by dedicating an hour of my day to just practicing dances in my living room. I’ve also attended a few Zumba classes which are really fun and highly recommend if you like dance.

If not there are tons of other ways to get good exercise besides the gym.

You could try yoga, jogging, boxing, martial arts or even a self-defense or swim class.

Find what works for you and stick with it.

There are even great in home workouts on youtube for free that are easy to do at home with no equipment.

Replace tempting food with healthy treats

It’s hard to reach your fitness goals if you’re constantly being tempted. If you lack self-control like I do it’s best to just clean your kitchen out and only leave the good. Replace ice-cream with frozen yogurt or frozen fruit (you can actually blend it up after freezing so yummy).

Pinterest is a great place to look for healthy replacements. You would be surprised what healthy treats actually really curb your cravings.

My personal favorites are banana chips (or just plain bananas), yogurt and granola bars. Quick and healthy.

Walk when you can

As simple as it sounds this can really help burn those extra calories. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and walk to class or work when you can. It’s also great after a big meal. Taking an evening stroll is also really relaxing, I’ve found I always sleep better when I walk after dinner.

Well guys there you have it. I’ll be trying these tips all year and keep you updated with more. Hope this helps someone.

Thanks for reading.



Why I quit Blogmas & other news

It stinks to have to post this because I was so excited to participate in Blogmas for the first time but sadly if you hadn’t notice I’ve quit posting and here’s why:


For those who hadn’t read my previous post my husband got into a car accident, he is ok but that put a lot of stress on us since we were without a car. 

UPDATE: We did get a new much better one.


For those who may not know I am a full-time student and mommy (my son is not in daycare) balancing those aren’t easy. I overestimated just how much work I would be assigned at this point in the semester. I’m currently taking a break from studying for finals to write this.

Bad Planning

I’m a little disappointed at how poorly I planned for Blogmas and this is probably the biggest reason I failed to follow through with it. I hope to really grow in this area within the next year that way I’m able to accomplish these things without pulling my hair out. 

While I didn’t follow through with Blogmas I do plan to continue to post but I don’t want to stress myself out to the point of not actually enjoying it.


I became an online ambassador for The Bloggers Hub an online community based in the UK that connect bloggers. They host Twitter chats three times a week. I’m thankful for this opportunity and the chance to meet other bloggers and learn from them. Hopefully in the future I can grow as a blogger and learn to plan properly.

For those of you reading this thank you.

Until next time!


Tis the Season

Thanksgiving is over and we’ve already begun decorating for Christmas but we thought we’d take sometime to go out and just enjoy the changing seasons.


I’m not a huge fan of cold weather but since I live in a very warm environment the change has been much appreciated by most everyone here. I especially love watching my little one play outdoors.

The red and greens of the trees are really helping me get into the Christmas mood. There is something really magical about the air this time of year and though we don’t get much snow here, the crisp air on your skin is a subtle reminder that Christmas is approaching.


Despite all the craziness going on in the world I feel like everyone is just a little bit nicer around Christmas time. It’s nice to walk around and just have random people smile, nod and say “hello.” My little man always steals the show.


Other than the changing weather and gorgeous scenery, here are a few other things that gets me in the Christmas spirit.

1) Scented Candles

Anything Apple, Cinnamon and Peppermint Scented are my favorites around this time of year.

2) Christmas Music

Michael Buble will always be my go to

3) Christmas Decor

I love walking into stores and seeing Christmas decorations it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

What are a few things that gets you in the Christmas spirit?

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know.

Fall To Do’s: Visit a Farm/Pumpkin Patch!


So my little family and I ended the week with a quick little trip to Peebles Farm in Augusta, AR. I love fall and everything autumnal and this was a great opportunity to get outdoors while enjoying all the festivities of October!

For all my fellow mom’s out there, remember getting your little one out is vital for their cognitive developing and fall is such a great season to let them explore. One great way to do that is taking them to a pumpkin patch!


My little one so enjoyed being able to run around freely and pick up and play with pumpkins. Not only is it fun but a good way for him to put those sensory motor skills to work.

He is 18 months old now and in this stage of development he has become VERY curious. So lately my husband and I have tried to find fun ways for him to learn more about the world we live in. Incorporating some things mommy loves into his learning process helps us bond in the process. I mean who doesn’t love pumpkins in the fall!


It was my husbands first time at a pumpkin patch too and it was fun for me to watch them both explore.

Going to a farm in the fall is not only relaxing but also a stress-free way to let your little one play. It is not near any roads so you don’t have to worry about him running off into the streets and it stretches for miles giving them free space to run.


The farm we went to had a fun little playground, sunflower fields and a huge corn maze!


My little one had so much fun running through the corn maze though we got a little lost, it was fun for all three of us.


Pumpkin Patches and Farms are such a fun, family friendly way to enjoy this time of year while getting that bonding time you deserve.

It’s been a busy week for this mom dealing with midterms and projects but little trips like these make all of the difference.

So tell me, what is on your fall bucket list?

Leave a comment and let me know!

The wrong path


One thing I have always struggled with in my adult life is where I am in my life. In an age of social media and posting the highlights of our lives to share with each other as well as the rest of the world, I found myself constantly comparing.

I’m sure I’m not the only one, we all do it. We stare at photos of attractive strangers on Instagram, and watch the travel vlogs of people who don’t even know we exist wishing we had what they had. Well at least I do.

The problem with this is I begin to see faults in my own life. I begin to think there is something wrong with where I am in my own life.

You see, society sets up this path of how life should look if we are successful, if we are doing things the “right” way.

I’ve spent A LOT of time wondering what the “right” way meant.

I did not grow up with both parents. Is that wrong?

I didn’t have a loving relationship with the relatives I did grow up with. Is that also wrong?

I didn’t finish college, get married and then have a child. Instead I went to college, got dumped, started dating, struggled with depression, failed classes, went to work to pay for school, got married, traveled abroad, had a kid and returned to finish.

Is that wrong?

That is a question I’ve asked myself for a while now. It’s interesting to me that society has placed this idea of what our lives should look like and expect all of us, no matter how different, to fit that mold.

I find myself discontent and feeling judged constantly because I’m not at the place in my life others expect me to be, I’m not at the place people say you SHOULD be at 23.

I’ll admit sometimes others aren’t great at helping me feel like my life is fine, in fact just the opposite. Others seem to feed into the idea that we should all follow this specific path if we must become successful, and if you aren’t you’re basically just catching up.

One thing I’ve had to sit down and tell myself is that my life is my own.

This is the most important thing I’ve ever learned about my life. It is unique to me. My experiences are my own and no one else’s. Every single choice I’ve made has shaped me into the woman I am today, good or bad.

The issue comes when I and others choose to compare lives. We feel like we all have to measure up to this made up standard of what a good life is. We fail to realize a good life could look like many things. Living a successful life is relative, its all about the perspective of the one living that life.

I’m writing this mostly for myself, to remind myself that my life may not look as picture perfect as those around me, but it is my own. I am doing what is best for me and my family, and that is beautiful.




How we met


Mike and I met at Harding University. I (Rere) was a confused freshman learning who I was and excited to meet new people. Mike was an upperclassmen and foreign city boy who stood out with his “biker” inspired outfits and tall height. We met through a mutual friend and clicked from the beginning. I ran into him on campus while stopping to say hi to our mutual friend. All I could say to him was “wow, you look like a rock star!”

He was different. Many of the kids at our private christian college were similar in style, dress and personality… but he stood out. Maybe it was the accent but I found myself attracted to him, and I definitely let it show.

The first day I met him I saw him again that evening at a local coffee shop with our mutual friend. I’d gone with a group of friends but was too distracted by his presence there to focus on what they were discussing. I decided to walk over and say hello. I initially thought he was from New York City, I’m a small town girl who had hardly seen or heard anything outside of Arkansas. I wasn’t very ‘cultured’ to say the least. He just giggled and said he was from Belgium. I’m ashamed to admit I had no idea what Belgium was before this conversation, but as soon as he told me I was beautiful in French I was sold. He walked me to my dorm that night, and we exchanged numbers.

I’d often help him study, and we quickly became close friends. Everything happened so naturally. I found myself wanting to be around him daily, he became the best part of my day. I had a period of time where I isolated myself from everyone in the midst of dealing with family issues. Mike was the only one who was there for me. He took me in when I had nowhere else to go, and we became closer than ever.

Returning for my second year of college, I wasn’t as close to everyone as I had been previously. I no longer felt like I fit. I’d had a hard summer and lost interest in everything and everyone. I fell into a deep depression, I stayed in my room and missed a lot of classes.  I slept A LOT during the day, and stayed up late at night. I cried everyday. I had no contact with my family and no one reached out to me aside from Mike. He was the only one I felt comfortable talking to. We were like best friends, I felt that I could confide in him and he would actually be there to listen.

Oddly enough he never asked me to be his girlfriend. He never even proposed. He simply walked in one day and told me “maybe you should put this on” and slid a gold wedding band on my left ring finger. Poor guy nobody told him an engagement ring and a wedding band are too different things. However, when I saw he had both our names engraved I was in awe. I didn’t even realize this was something that had been on his mind. I didn’t have to say “yes” he already knew the answer, he already knew me so well.

We got married quickly, and young. I think a lot of people had concerns and doubts about that. Our wedding was the day after my 20th birthday, and I’m sure to this day some people think we are  insane for getting married so young, but we never felt an ounce of regret.

3 years later and we have been through SO much together. We’ve had highs and we’ve had lows. We loss loved ones, and we gained a beautiful baby boy. We laughed, cried, yelled, screamed, and joked. We held each other in hard times, we calmed each other in rough times, we encouraged each other in dark times, we laughed with each other in good times, and we smiled with each other at joyful times. Many probably didn’t think we would even make it this far, but we continue to grow together everyday.

I’m forever thankful for that day freshman year when I ran into this man and he became apart of me forever.

Welcome to my corner of the web!

Hi and welcome.

My name is Raneisha Stassin, Rere for short, I am a public relations professional in training, a blogger and aspiring social media queen. Thank you for visiting my little corner of the web where I share my journey, experiences, opinions, and work with you all.

I hope you enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy writing them.

Thank you for visiting


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